Lately, I am feeling inspired... so I thought: why not go back to your old abandoned blog and start writing again? So I did, and then I thought: why don't a change its look? I guess I already passed the new parent phase and I am feeling more green now that I no longer have to change 10 diapers a day. So here it is: I am back, full of things to share, to say, to cry about, to get mad, to bs. Share your thoughts!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Seeing you... going nowhere

And I am going nowhere because I know you are not the one. Who's me to say who's the one? is there a one? do we get to find the one? are you the one and I am letting you go? But I miss you already; seeing you again...24 hours pass and I want to see you. Your company makes me wonder how weak I am becoming; and this is solitude taking over all myself; dictating me what to do and leaving me with an empty stomach. But my heart can't take it any longer and I miss you, I love you, I like you; but at the end I don't love you anymore. Who are you? are you the one?

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Am I more lonely today?

I don't think so. I did break up with my boyfriend today but even that didn't make me feel more lonely. I guess things don't change; there's some of us condemned to solitude because we ask for it... is part of the drama that I enjoy. But today, its only me... and tomorrow will only be me. I am starting to see the beauty of being home sick; I am homesick I miss all of you but most of all, I miss my old self. Perhaps tomorrow without looking for it, I will finally find you... you for ever.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

A donde vamos hoy?

A donde vamos hoy? Al cine, pa’ donde mas! I hear from you today; the melancholically words remind me much of the good times. I am afraid you will leave someday and we never got to say how much we thought about each other. But this time, it has to be you who comes and tells me how much you missed it. Dropping a mail seemed like a good excuse; and I wonder what else we can say to change our minds. Two months since I left; two months since you haven’t … who’s to blame? Fear; yours and my fear and my naive ness; of course. I miss you, more than I can say and what I am supposed to do now when my heart is divided into three parts. The hangover makes you think a lot; the silence, the darkness in the room makes me laugh about our game of words. I will not come back to you unless…it just takes three words and you know it.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Life... in movement Posted by Hello

Buena Salsa y que voy a hacer!

Mientras escucho el super radio blog de juanmapu, me pongo a pensar a una cantidad de huevonadas como deciamos por ahi... me vuelve ese colombianismo que no me gusta ni cinco, pero me da ganas de rumbear. Que me paso despues de tanto tiempo; aqui ando sentada haciendo ni mierda y un viernes... buscando plan para entretenerme. Por lo menos me acuerdo de Jesse... que ganas! la sonrisa vuelve... la curiosidad me mata po saber lo que viene. y por ahi pienso en chop suey; que come mierda jugando playstation en vez de ponerse las pilas y hacer algo. Carajo- y como se atreve la gente a criticar? Por eso existe el Cheating y aunque nunca lo he hecho ya estoy a punto de tratarlo. punto aparte. que pensar ahora? Mauro, buena salsa... me da ganas de llorar por que tengo unas ganas de coger un puto avion e irme pa' nyc. Me sentare a llorar a a cagarme de la risa. Janelle podra reirse por mucho tiempo; que hacer con estos mami boys? There's no way I can keep taking this bs. what the hell is wrong?... let me go camping and feel much better... and there's no need to do a booty call.

So what kind of things should I write about?

I am chic; so talking about drama is very common... but then, it could be too compromising. But then main again, I could use this blog to talk about it; to laugh about it; and then in two months... to feel ashamed about it. Knowing myself not even the archives will have them in the future.
Oh, pero I shouldn't worry much since I am not planning to tell the main characters of my drama about this blog. Now I am tired. let me sleep on the idea that tomorrow I will have the perfect relato to write about. For now, I will go to bed with my drama; divide my heart into three parts and think about what I am doing tomorrow and with who this time. Life gets lonely, and solitude is tougher when your heart is divided into three parts.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Why did I get a blog?

You know, I have no F... clue. I guess I like to write, have my own opinions and not worry about tomorrow. Creo que es chistoso, perhaps it comes from reading my brothers' and sister's blogs. I think is really cool; it allows me to talk about anything and de pronto hear from someone else who may not have something better to do and decided to read my blog. Sounds interesting, hummm? This is really cool... Oh I said that already; I guess I always wondered what I would write about if I ever had a blog. I hope this is the start of many things... join me on this ride!