Lately, I am feeling inspired... so I thought: why not go back to your old abandoned blog and start writing again? So I did, and then I thought: why don't a change its look? I guess I already passed the new parent phase and I am feeling more green now that I no longer have to change 10 diapers a day. So here it is: I am back, full of things to share, to say, to cry about, to get mad, to bs. Share your thoughts!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

check it out!

As I was doing some email-keeping, I ran into this awesome blog called good magazine. This is really worth reading! from environmental, to political, health, and other news this is what independent media offers to readers. I haven't enjoyed reading news in a long time and this is a great forum to reflect about the stauts of this infamous world. What better to save trees that reading a blog! Enjoy :)

Monday, June 05, 2006

Noticias para no escuchar

Aun estoy sin palabras sobre la victoria de Uribe. Realmente no me sorprendio, pues en el fondo sabia que el tipo ganaria aunque por razones muy equivocadas... esa es la parte que me pone triste. Aquellos que votaron por Uribe, votaron bajo una falsa promesa de paz- la llamada "seguridad" que la verdad me sabe mierda pues en Colombia lo que es inseguro es vivir en medio de tanta hipocresia. Me vale mierda ese pais; su gobierno, y todos los que votaron por Uribe; sobretodo aquellos que ni siquieran viven en Colombia y quieren meternos al Uribe por los ojos- ya solo les falta que nos metan a Bush tambien... Pero que estoy diciendo? Si Bush ya esta en Colombia :)

Me valen mierda todos aquellos que se olvidaron del verdadero problema en Colombia que es la maldita mafia de nuestro gobierno. Solo nos falta que nos metan un TLC como lo estan haciendo ya bajo la nocion que nos ayudara a erradicar la pobreza y nos dara platica. Ojala no nos olvidemos que todas esas policies yankees son las que tienen a Colombia como esta ahora- y si no me creen, les pido que me digan una cosa buena del plan Colombia.
Ya no quiero escuchar noticias... o por lo menos no por un tiempo. Me preparo a regresar a aquel infierno de miami, y a una casa llena de amog. Que ironia esta nocion de vivir. Pero estoy feliz.

Me vale mierda Uribe, pero a que no nos gana con el TLC. SImplemente, no me de noticias de Colombia, ni de Uribe, y mucho menos me diga que voto por el, por que la verdad es que me muero de asco... y de tristeza por su ignorancia. Eldia que en Colombia no haya desplazamiento, ni guerra, ni narcotrafico, ni hambre (que es realmente el problema mas grave que afronta nuestro pais), ese dia le hago venia y le prometo hacer campana de reeleccion por el que lo logro.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

dealing with it!

Yesterday I quit my job. Today I thought for hours about how tell so many friends that I was leaving... for better! So I made the decision to move back to S. Florida. As much as I say that I don't like Miami, I can't wait to be home with my hubby. These decisions are always tough and make us question so many things in our lives; our careers, our future become more incertain than ever but there is a level of peace that is acquired when you know you are not embarking on this trip alone... ever again. That brings me peace of mind to know he will be there. As hard as it may get, i know he will be there. I didn't make this decision for another person; I made it for me, for both of us. Being together is the one thing I have always strive for and this is my chance to recover of those years lost. Vicky (my boss) said to me yesterday: "when you make these kind of decisions, you have to stick to them and never double guess yourself; you are doing the one thing I dream of doing one day". Nevertheless, there's always shame on not keeping one's words. Who am I if I can't keep my commitments? but I made a more important commitment to the love of my life and I plan to keep it. that's my peace with destiny and with all these past years of madness and solitude. I will miss my job because my job keeps me alive; gives me satisfaction, and makes me a better person everyday. It is up to me now to find same energy at home; be a wonderful partner, lover, wife and hopefully one day a great mother. These upcoming months will also be tough months... i can only ask you to be patient with me please.

Monday, March 13, 2006

thought of the day

"The Journey is the reward"- Thaoist saying.

Amog, asi que hay vamos.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

noche de...

Ayer salia de la oficina dispuesta a comprar un poco de gasolina para mi nevera. estaba hambrienta desde hace dias, semanas, un mes. Mi ausencia de ella se debia a mi rompimiento con esta ciudad. LA ya no es la misma para mi; creo que nunca ha sido lo que yo buscaba. Pero sin culpas, LA me trajo grandes aventuras... retos, decepciones, muchos sofas, muchas nuevas direcciones. Y ahora pienso en que sera dejarla... cuanto la extranare? aun no lo se. En el camino a casa tambien pense en los acontecimientos de la noche... valentine's para muchos... no para mi. estas fechas tienen poca importancia para mi; creo que no la celebro desde hace mas de 3 anos; y las ultimas veces que lo hize fueron catastroficas; creo que la ultima vez fue en coconut grove, en una marina, donde el salmon resulto seco y atascado en mi garganta por una noche de acontecimientos desgraciados en una conversacion que no partia hacia ningun lugar. Creo que aquel dia fue cuando renuncie a Rene. ya no habia esperanzas; todo estaba perdido.

Asi que ayer examine mis alrededores y me di cuenta que no estaba triste por no celebrar San Valentin. Me senti triste por otras cosas, como me siento desde el dia que me case y tuve que partir... la proxima semana estaremos juntos para amarnos, tocarnos, para joder. Sin embargo, me tire a cocinar- algo que no hacia con tantas ganas y devocion en muchisimo tiempo; todo mientras escuchaba la voz melodiosa de mi lucho quien me acompanaba mientras detallamente le narraba el proceso de mi chicken farfalle recipe. Quedo exquisita, lista para mejorar y impresionar una proxima vez. Contaba anoche como comensaria mi proximo blog... pero llegue hasta aqui, menos criticona, tranquila, y relajada. Por que danarle la felicidad a aquellos infelices que compraron flores y chocolates solo con la esperanza de getting laid. or can it be truthful love? valentine's doesnt mean anything anymore.

las ojeras en la manana estaban acompanadas de una sonrisa pensando el ti. A pesar de tu ausencia de la cama, estaba alli... un perfumado osito que me recordaba tu rostro; y ahi sonrei.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Cancion de Otono

Jose Luis Perales

como sopla el viento en las ventanas
como llueve hoy
como esta la calle de vacia
como muere el sol

Estos dias grises del otono... me ponen triste
y al calor del fuego de mi hoguera
te recuerdo hoy...

Te recuerdo hoy... a ti
que eres mi vida entera
la brisa de primavera... la claridad
A ti
que sufres cuando me esperas
me miras a las estrella
y que suspiras... por mi

como arrastra el viento aquellas horas
como llueve hoy
y que torpe vuela por el cielo... ese gorrion

Se han quedado mudos eso nidos
de golongrinas
y sentado al borde de la noche
te recuerdo hoy...

Te recuerdo hoy... a ti
que eres mi vida entera
la brisa de primavera... la claridad
A ti
que sufres cuando me esperas
me miras a las estrella
y que suspiras... por mi

tus palabras pasan lentamente
frente a mi balcon
el reloj se escucha como siempre
en el comedor

Estos dias grises del otono
me ponen triste
y al calor del fuego de mi hoguera
te recuerdo hoy..

Te recuerdo hoy... a ti
que eres mi vida entera
la brisa de primavera... la claridad
A ti
que sufres cuando me esperas
me miras a las estrella
y que suspiras... por mi

como sopla el viento en las ventanas
como llueve hoy.

Monday, January 16, 2006

I am no longer a miss... I am NOT!

What defines our title of I am no longer a "miss"... losing our virginities or getting married? I have done both... but not at the same time as my mother would have wished. And so I start this new year as a "Mrs" extremely happy because I married the man of my life; confused because things do change, especially when you realize that there are some behaviors that no matter what, they will have to go away. A friend of mine told me a couple of days ago... you must turn in the little black agenda; my first reaction was that not in this life I would give up my little black book, not even if I was married... but then, everything sort of came together- why would I like to hold into that little agenda? there really isn't anything worth saving anyway! Thus, I decided to not only disattach myself from that infamous little book, but throw it to hell- what kind of friend would I be if I was to share that book? there really isn't anything worth sharing or saving, except for the bowlers that help me out during campaign time- those contacts, are worth saving and guarding for years to come.
No matter how open minded we are, things do change when you say the "I do". what should I wear the next day when I am meeting with some bowlers? the truth is that I would no longer want to wear the tied-shirts. Marriage is not a condemnation but it certainly changes your style of fashion. Then comes the issue of the male friends: why in this world I didn't make more female friends? that answer comes as simple as understanding that I can barely resist my own presence when I have pms. That's exactly the reason why most women do prefer to have male friends except for the gay ones that no matter how understanding they are, their drama always overpasses your drama and so, women end up becoming the real male friends so these poor lost homosexual souls can talk all they want and we get to assume that we have a pinus and so we don't have feelings.
At the end, the title of a "Mrs" does add value to your personality. Most men do understand that when a woman is married, she's really off the market. Some men don't of course but a distance is truly set. In Business, and when you look like you are 18, being married gives you tons of credibility which is good for me because I would no longer have to wear the high heels or the extra make up to look older. And for some newly wed women, the title of Mrs may even make you look or feel sexier.

All that remains now is to officially recognize that we are no longer a miss, and getting used to the idea that "the boyfriend" is no longer the husband and that with marriage comes the extra-calories, the loss of bed-space, the shared showers, and giving up the expensive clothes. The new Mrs must now pray that everyday your husband will wake up feeling that he loves you more than yesterday, and that once in a while he will show up home with that beautiful necklace that you have been wishing to get for the last 6 years. I am crossing my fingers.