Lately, I am feeling inspired... so I thought: why not go back to your old abandoned blog and start writing again? So I did, and then I thought: why don't a change its look? I guess I already passed the new parent phase and I am feeling more green now that I no longer have to change 10 diapers a day. So here it is: I am back, full of things to share, to say, to cry about, to get mad, to bs. Share your thoughts!

Monday, May 30, 2005

how to let you go...

why come back to me... especially now when I had buried you. Never knowing how you felt... una promesa, un suspirar... mi Buenos Aires querido! como enterrarte? I love u. As I hear your breathing; never knowing what it means, how it feels. I have to let you go. I can't bear your future paternity. I wish I could hold you in my arms... but this time trusting you. What do you want from me??? es mi corazon el que se abre y me dice que te deje ir; aunque te amo, se que fuiste cobarde y no quisiste comprometerte. pero no puedo... no puedo tenerte en mis brazos cuando se que no seras mio, solo para mi. te dejo ir hoy por que se que no volveras. pero te amo y a partir de hoy me despido de ti. Adios P.

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