Lately, I am feeling inspired... so I thought: why not go back to your old abandoned blog and start writing again? So I did, and then I thought: why don't a change its look? I guess I already passed the new parent phase and I am feeling more green now that I no longer have to change 10 diapers a day. So here it is: I am back, full of things to share, to say, to cry about, to get mad, to bs. Share your thoughts!

Friday, September 16, 2005

What I miss about...

Disclaimer- Katie... what I great idea!

1. My family- I miss the family circus, the smell of the cats' shit dump, my mom's incense, her voice... the tarot, I miss the food, GOD! and el chisme sin duda. There's always a reason to criticize- miss sleeping with my little sis. Ernie's long "fantastic" stories about his work. y mis colchones- malditos que aun estoy pagando.
2. Florida- just the water- the rich life. Nanis- who else will talk with me for hours! (the drinking plays a big role on these long conversations). Mr. Luiso, his laugh- flirting, that unique smile when looking at my tits. La cubana de Maria- quien mas puede darme all the political and gay gossip- not to mention la farandula. The sunset- except for the disgraceful mosquitoes. sometimes Rene.
3. NY- mi hermanito. smell of the street pee- la carola reganando a juan. Ix- even though he tried to be the boss most of the time. miss his dancing, su negreria, su voz. The noise, movement, life. Central park is a plus! winter, but not the fucking snow.
4. France- les parents. the food- wine, cheese- the long political conversations. the face in mom's face when she makes a connerie, and dad laughing at her; ma pauvre francoise. Soaz qui me parle de ses relations, de pot, de le future avec Xav. Mon petit kev qui est plus petit maintenant- il doit etre tres mignon now. Papan et ces escargots.
5. Colombia- la arepa y el calentado en la manana. Padre- alengando, hablando de Juanito. la leche- el arequipe, la cuca. Alcala y titan. normandia- la cigarreria. Los muchachos. el futbol y el estadio. los conciertos en pereira. Jairito y su voz. La ropa y el buen cuero. el pueblo- la gente. Bogota. Salento y la trucha. el camping con ricardo. el pot con F. la hamaca. papa de nuevo- el tango. el vinito frio con mi padre. fumar. que la gente critique al imbecil del uribe.

And what about LA? Do I like it? thank god for Osman y Sergio- sin ellos, me volveria loca. Love the wheather! Hermosa beach, the reading with Osman. La peleadera con paola. Las visitas esporadicas de Salomon. Sandra y su comida- the cursing. Her children even though there's times I want to kill them. Janelle and her stories- Felipe y Ben with their gay energy. Sergio's llamadas de apoyo. waking up with Ix- even though he is not here with me now. mi nevera llena. o vacia :( thank god for asian food- but please make sure it doesn't have any hairs. Katie- hoping she will come back to work for Oxfam. My office- my own office!!! my blackberry. Having no roommates :) but I miss all of you.


OneLove said...

shit! thanks for missing me! the annoying cuzin! :)

artichoke lab said...

and i miss about you that you dedicate more time to your self writing on your blog
calling your friends, visiting family
what is going on with you this days
tuvo alguien el descaro de raptarde de tus raices??

Unknown said...

I can say that I don't miss the chisme, that's for sure... most everything else I can relate.